Thursday, April 8, 2010

To regain focus or to give up, that is the question?

Well the answer is quite simple.  Regain focus.  I don't if its my fear of starting P90X or if its just simply that I've let life and work get in the way but over the last month I've hit a major road block.  As soon as I started slacking in my exercising I got lazy in my eating to.  I went from three meals with two or three snacks a day down to maybe one meal and one snack if I was lucky or I would just graze all day on junk at work.  Not healthy and definitely not what I want to be doing.

What am I doing to get past this road block?  I've begun to wear my arm band again tracking my daily activities, I've started writing down everything I eat, no matter how big or how small.  And what am I noticing, when I track what I eat I eat healthy and I am very aware of my lack of exercise.  Now all I need to do is start to re incorporate my exercise into my routine.  The change won't be over night but I will return to my two a day workouts.

I hope that by me being so honest on my blog you all will see that the journey to a heathier happier you isn't always easy, you have ups and downs.  You feel like you wanna quit, but when you feel like giving up, do what I did.  I remembered how happy I was when I was working out and watching what I ate.  And I'm determined to get back to that happy place.