Sunday, August 8, 2010

Life's Constant Curve Balls.

Just when you think things are going good with your health and fitness it always seems like life throws you a curve ball.  In my case, the curve ball was being diagnosed with some food allergies.   No I don't break out in hives, instead I get severe migraines as my reaction.  What I knew as my healthy diet just a few months ago has now become the very thing that sends me into a migraine that has me begging to go back to bed and close my eyes.     As a result of this allergy my diet, and workouts have been put completely on the back burner.  Its very difficult to workout or count your calories when your in a constant headache. 

I have a doctors appointment coming up this week that I hope will guide me in the right direction of where to start back on my journey but until then I stand here at the fork in the road.